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BUD SCOTT: A flash fiction magician who admittedly dabbles in the esoteric...

BUD SCOTT: A flash fiction magician who admittedly dabbles in the esoteric...

BUD SCOTT has been writing in the genres of sci-fi, supernatural, memoir, and humor and human interest for a quite a few years and his work has been published both at home and abroad. His commentary has been published in Malorn, the Tolkien Society Journal in the UK. His recent work, a collection titled Out of My Head Volume 1, is an e-book of flash fiction and short stories available on His current focus is on flash fiction, which Bud describes as the art of telling a complete story in one thousand words or less. He is currently attempting to post a weekly story on his blog - each story is inspired by an old family photograph and it is a project he hopes to move along towards a finished published work. Welcome to the podcast, Bud!

Bud and Stephanie joking around during the podcast recording.

Bud and Stephanie joking around during the podcast recording.

JAMAAD GOULD: Self-professed sci-fi geek + issues of racial injustice and discord = his new novel, Uncivil Unity

JAMAAD GOULD: Self-professed sci-fi geek + issues of racial injustice and discord = his new novel, Uncivil Unity

BRYAN RUSSO: A modern day Renaissance man of words, music, documentaries, and social philosophy

BRYAN RUSSO: A modern day Renaissance man of words, music, documentaries, and social philosophy